Before & After
Renaissance Plaza is a vibrant and pedestrian-friendly development on 10 acres that has become the new downtown for the City of Stanton. Brandywine developed the master plan and designed with three integrated home types: Sienna with 39 detached single family homes; Palazzo with 106 townhomes; and Capri with 12 townhomes, seven of which feature Live/Work space on the ground floor with retail frontage.
March 2010. Built over three years, the final live-work space closed in August, 2010.
How did we do?
“The public-private partnership developed between the City of Stanton and Brandywine Homes has been one of the primary factors behind our community’s amazing success story in the revitalization of residential neighborhoods.”
– David Shawver, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Stanton
Key Challenge
Consolidating a patchwork of properties with a dozen different ownerships and 27 lease-holders required an extraordinary amount of planning, patience and persistence. In addition, Brandywine Homes took a calculated risk by purchasing certain parcels before the city had control of the remaining property.
This property commanded a prime commercial location with high visibility on Beach Boulevard. Yet the area had fallen into disrepair and the retail businesses were either failing, abandoned or inappropriate for a residential neighborhood. The City of Stanton wanted to clean it up and used redevelopment funds to relocate existing tenants and eventually acquire the commercial portion of the property.
Brandywine Homes developed and helped the city write a specific plan for Renaissance Plaza that transformed a blighted area into a cohesive and moderately priced mix of much-needed new housing. All of the residential homes have been sold and Stanton is moving forward on the commercial development side.