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Packing hacks to make your moving day much simpler!

You’ve secured your mortgage. You’ve signed the papers. The big day is coming – you’re moving into your new house! But look around. There’s so much to do…schedule, organize, purge, sort and, eventually, pack. Here are some simple ways to keep from becoming completely overwhelmed by this potentially ginormous task.

1. Find a mover. You’re going to want to have time to interview and vet as many as it takes to trust your most precious possessions. Get at least three quotes, and if possible, a personal referral.

2. Don’t drop off donations. Instead of using your valuable time driving your items you’ve tagged for donation to a charity shop or drop off location, have them picked up at your house. Many organizations can either be scheduled online or by phone, and some organizations even have a special pick up day in your neighborhood.

3. Do double duty with dresser drawers. There is no reason to unload dresser drawers into separate boxes. They are the boxes! Simply remove the drawer, wrap it to avoid scratches and then replace it back into the dresser as soon as it gets to its new location. You can do the same for clothes on hangers. Keep them hung and pack them in an upside-down large garbage bag or hang them in a proper wardrobe box.

4. Need packing supplies? Check the linen closet! Your soft towels and linens will perfectly wrap your precious items to keep from becoming scratched or broken. And since you already own them, there is no extra expense in packing supplies.

5. Take pictures of inside your boxes. Instead of writing out what is inside, snap a pic, print it and tape it on the outside of the carton. This will make it easier, also, for your littlest movers to identify their toys (and keep them busy while you’re doing the real work!)

6. Pack an essentials box and keep it handy. For moving day in your new home, pack a box with the items you’ll need ASAP like toothpaste, toilet paper, wet wipes, snacks, paper towels, chargers and medications so you won’t have to search for them when you need them.

Once your chaotic moving day has come and gone, the fun begins and all the packing and moving will be a distant memory. Time to unbox and thoughtfully place your belongings into this new house to make it your very special home. If you’d like to see what homes Brandywine Homes has to offer, you can visit our Neighborhoods page. We think you’ll actually love packing for these fantastic houses!!
