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Up, up and away: Redondo Beach Pier Kite Festival near Upton

Take advantage of the coastal winds and endless sunshine at the Redondo Beach Pier Kite Festival. It’s only a short drive from Upton by Brandywine Homes. Did you know that this kite festival is one of the longest-running kite festivals in the nation?! It is! And it’s all ages so everyone can participate. There will be prizes for the highest-flying kite, best handmade kite, the youngest flyers, and the youngest at heart flyers. The fun atmosphere includes live music, a hot dog on a stick eating contest, dance demos, and giveaways. The festival will culminate with a mass group kite ascension flight on the beach adjacent to Redondo Landing, immediately south of the Redondo Beach Pier. The annual Festival of the Kite takes place on Sunday, September 19 from noon to 5 p.m. at the Redondo Beach Pier.
